Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Snug Plug n Play Kids Headphones by iHeadphones_Inc

These are a great set of headphones for kids.This headset fits comfortably on a child's head.This headset is compatible with so many different electronics.It is not limited to children's electronics per say.This headset is adjustable for a better fit for your child.This headset is stylish for any kid.Your kid will enjoy the ear cushions. Kids will also feel like they are not being left out when mom and dad have a cool looking pair of headphones.Now your kid can have a pair too.The sound is great on this headset.Crystal clear and no distortions.I really love that this head set labels each ear side with left or right.In other words,this headset is even a learning experience for your children. The cord on this headset is thicker made,as we all know children can be rougher on there belongings,so with the cord being thicker it will help maintain the life of the headset when being used.The material of this headset seems to be well made and that is a key factor as we all know how rough children can be on their belongings.All in all I would say this is a great little headset for the younger children.I received this headset free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.I done my review based on the use of headset by my 4 year old nephew.